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Science Without Data: The Role of Thought Experiments in Empirical Investigations Workshop. Dalhousie University June 18-19

Network Node: 
Thu., Jun. 17, 2010 (All day)

Note: This workshop also has strong connections with the theme Scientific Communication and its Publics

Location: Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

This two-day workshop brought together close to 20 philosophers, historians, anthropologists, and scientists for a discussion of their most recent work on thought experiments.

Scientific Models and Simulations (4) Worskhop. UofT May 7-9, 2010

Network Node: 
Fri., May. 7, 2010 (All day) - Sun., May. 9, 2010 (All day)

Note: This workshop also has ties with the following Themes:

Scientific Communication and its Publics Theme and Historical Epistemology and Ontology Theme.

Location: University of Toronto