PHD University:
Washington University in St. Louis
Major Publications:
Eliasmith, C. (in press) How to build a brain: A neural architecture for biological cognition. Oxford University Press.
Eliasmith, C. and C. H. Anderson (2003). Neural Engineering: Computation, representation and dynamics in neurobiological systems Stewart, T.C., Tripp, B., Eliasmith, C. (2009) Python Scripting in the Nengo Simulator. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 3:7 (online).
Parisien, C., C. H. Anderson, and C. Eliasmith (2008). Solving the problem of negative synaptic weights in cortical models. Neural Computation. 20: 1473-1494 (pdf penultimate version).
Tripp, B. and C. Eliasmith (2007). Neural populations can induce reliable postsynaptic currents without observable spike rate changes or precise spike timing. Cerebral Cortex. 17:1830-1840 (on-line) (pdf penultimate version).
Singh, R. and C. Eliasmith (2006). Higher-dimensional neurons explain the tuning and dynamics of working memory cells. Journal of Neuroscience. 26: 3667-3678. (pdf version).
Kuo, D. and C. Eliasmith (2005) Integrating behavioral and neural data in a model of zebrafish network interaction. Biological Cybernetics. 93(3): 178-187 (pdf version - penultimate).
Eliasmith, C. (2005). A unified approach to building and controlling spiking attractor networks. Neural Computation. 17(6): 1276-1314 (pdf version - penultimate)
Conklin, J. and C. Eliasmith (2005). An attractor network model of path integration in the rat. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 18: 183-203 (pdf version)
Litt, A, C. Eliasmith, and P. Thagard (2008) Neural affective decision theory: Choices, brains, and emotions. Cognitive Systems Research. 9:252-273 (pdf penultimate version).
Membership in Academic Societies:
Society for Philosophy and Psychology, American Philisophical Association, Canadian Philosophical Association, Philosophy of Science Association, Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology
Courses Taught:
Critical Thinking; Simulating Neurobiological Systems;Intro to Cognitive Science; Philosophy of Mind; Naturalizing meaning