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Reassessing the Governance of Clinical Trials: Preventing Real World Risks at the Gate

Lu., Mar. 9, 2009, 8:00am - Ma., Mar. 10, 2009, 5:00pm

Dalhousie University (Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit)

Organizer: Janice Graham, TRRU, Dalhousie University; Mavis Jones, Dalhousie University

Workshop information here

Final report avail. upon request.

Circulating Knowledge, East and West

Me., Juil. 21, 2010 (Toute la journée) - Ve., Juil. 23, 2010 (Toute la journée)

Thank you for a great workshop!


Scientific Models and Simulations (4) Worskhop. UofT May 7-9, 2010

Ve., Mai. 7, 2010 (Toute la journée) - Di., Mai. 9, 2010 (Toute la journée)

Note: This workshop also has ties with the following Themes:

Scientific Communication and its Publics Theme and Historical Epistemology and Ontology Theme.

Location: University of Toronto