Major Publications:
"The Body Embarrassed? Rethinking the Leaky Male Body in Eighteenth-Century England and France", Gender and History, 23, 1 (2011): 26-46.
"Imagining Women's Fertility Before Technology", Journal of Medical Humanities, 31, 1 (2010): 69-79.
"'An Account of an Unaccountable Distemper': The Experience of Pain in Early Eighteenth-Century England and France", Eighteenth-Century Studies 41, 4 (2008): 459-480.
"The Relative Duties of a Man: Domestic Medicine in England and France, ca. 1670-1740’" Journal of Family History, 31, 3 (2006): 237-256.
“Reassessing the Role of the Family: Women’s Medical Care in Eighteenth-Century England”, Social History of Medicine 16, 3 (2003): 327-342.
"Sir Hans Sloane: Friend and Physician of the Family", in From Books to Bezoars: Sir Hans Sloane and His Collections, eds. M. Hunter, A. Walker, and A. MacGregor. London: The British Library, 2012.
"Secrets of Place: The Medical Casebooks of Vivant-Augustin Ganiare, ca. 1745-1750", in Secrets and Knowledge: Medicine, Science and Commerce (1500-1800), eds. E. Leong and A. Rankin, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011.
“‘La Raillerie’ des Femmes? Les Femmes, La Sterilité et la Société en France à l’Époque Moderne”, pp. 203-220 in Femmes en Fleurs: Santé, Sexualité et Génération du Moyen Age aux Lumières, eds. C. McClive and N. Pellegrin. Saint-Etienne: Presses Universitaires de Saint-Etienne, 2010.
Domestic Medicine: Gender, Health and the Household in Eighteenth-Century England and France
Membre des sociétés académiques:
Society for the Social History of Medicine
(Executive committee member: web master and publicity officer), Canadian Society
for the History of Medicine (Board member: Western Representative), American
Association for the History of Medicine
Courses Taught:
Undergraduate: Early Modern Europe, Women and Gender in
Early Modern Europe, Healing and Illness in Early Modern Europe, History of
Pain in Early Modern Europe. Europe's Way to the Modern Age, 1348-1789 Graduate: Social and Cultural Approaches to the
History of Medicine in Early Modern Europe