Hamilton, Vivien -

Personal Information
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Department / Program: 
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, U of T
University Affiliation: 
University of Toronto
Email Address: 
Area of Research
Geographical Region: 
Great Britain
North America
Time Period: 
19th and 20th Century
Specific Area of Research: 
history of medical technology and medical physics
PHD Program: 
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
PHD University: 
University of Toronto
PHD Date: 
in progress
Major Publications: 
Sebastian Gil-Riano and Vivien Hamilton, “Editor’s Introduction: Epistemic Boundaries,” Spontaneous Generations 3 (2009), 1-8. Vivien Hamilton. “Review of Maria Rentetzi, Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna,” Spontaneous Generations 3 (2009), 246-248. Vivien K. Cumyn, M.D. Fleishchauer, T.D. Hatchard and J.R. Dahn. “Design and testing of a low-cost multichannel pseudopotentiostat for quantitative combinatorial electrochemical measurements on large electrode arrays.” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 6 (6) E15 – E18 (2003). S.J. Penney, V. K. Cumyn, D.D. Betts. “A new method for the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Ising model's properties at any temperature and any magnetic field on the infinite square lattice.” PHYSICA A 330 (3-4): 507-518 (2003). L.Y. Beaulieu, V.K. Cumyn, K.W. Eberman, L.J. Krause, and J.R. Dahn. “A system for performing in-situ afm/optical microscopy studies on electrode materials for Li-ion bateries.” Rev. Sci. Ins., 72(8): 3313-3319 (2001).
Membership in Academic Societies: 
Courses Taught: 
University of Toronto, HPS211, Scientific Revolutions II