cstha-ahstc xviii conference / colloque

Nov. 1-3, 2013, UQAM, Montreal
 Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association


An Energy Rich Canada in an Energy Hungry World

La version française apparaît ci-dessous

Deadline: September 20, 2013

The Conference Program Committee invites papers on general subjects relating to the history of science, technology, and medicine in Canada. In addition, the program com-mittee invites papers relating to the scientific and technological aspects of Canadian en-vironmental history.

Economies rise and fall on energy sources. From the founding of Louisbourg and ex-ploitation of its local coal fields, to the Le Grande Complex, to the oil sands, nuclear en-ergy, to Arctic sovereignty, energy has been a constant focus of activity in Canada. Our northern geography and climate dictate an insatiable need for energy. Energy can pit provincial governments against each other, while federal energy policies can create ad-ditional tensions. Contemporary debates around climate change, carbon sequestration and "cap and trade" reflect the consequences of living in an energy-intensive world with an insatiable need for energy. Energy production in Canada has relied on discoveries, innovation and pushing boundaries.

This year’s Keynote Speaker will be H.V. Nelles, the L.R. Wilson Professor of Canadian History at McMaster University and Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at York University. Dr. Nelles is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and has received nu-merous awards including the Newcomen Prize. He is currently working on a collabora-tive research project with Christopher Armstrong and fellow CSTHA member Matthew Evenden on an environmental history of the Bow River in Alberta.

We encourage papers for the forthcoming CSTHA/AHSTC conference which address any topic related to energy from the history of the various sectors to social perceptions of various energy sources, R&D, energy consumption and conservation, to histories of personalities and companies. We also seek papers with an international perspective.

CSTHA welcomes proposals for both individual papers as well as thematic sessions, in English and/or French. Individual proposals must include a title, an abstract of about 150 words, and a short résumé for the presenter(s). Session proposals must include a title, a brief summary of the theme, titles and abstracts for each paper, and a short ré-sumé of each speaker. Posters can also be presented and will be available for the duration of the conference.

Please see http://cstha-ahstc.ca/conference-congres-2013/ for information on submit-ting papers or registration. If you have any questions, please email Dorotea Gucciardo, CSTHA communications coordinator, at conference@cstha-ahstc.ca.

Presenters at this conference must be members of CSTHA. Become a member or re-new your membership at http://cstha-ahstc.ca/membership-adhesion/.