Major Publications:
Under review Spasmophilia, Social Phobia and the State: The Remedicalization of French Anxiety, in Troubling 'Natural' Categories: A Tribute to the Career of Margaret Lock. Edited by Pam Wakewich and Naomi Adelson. Rutgers University Press. Author: Stephanie Lloyd
2006 Genetic Susceptibility and Alzheimer's Disease: The 'penetrance' and uptake of genetic knowledge, in Thinking about Dementia: Culture, loss, and the anthropology of senility. Edited by Annette Leibing and Lawrence Cohen. Rutgers University Press. Authors: Margaret Lock, Stephanie Lloyd and Janalyn Prest.
In preparation People allergies, social exclusion and the lien social in France: The biologisation of French social phobia. Expected submission date to Cultural Anthropology June 2009.
2008 Morals, Medicine and Change: Morality Brokers, Social Phobias, and French Psychiatry, in Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 2008, volume 32, pp. 279-297. Author: Stephanie Lloyd
2006 The clinical clash over social phobia: the 'Americanization' of French experiences?, in Biosocieties. 2006, volume 1, number 2, pp. 229-249. Author: Stephanie Lloyd
Membership in Academic Societies:
Society for Medical Anthropology; American Anthropological Association; Society for the Social Studies of Science
Courses Taught:
Topics in Medical Anthropology, 438, (Department of Anthropology, McGill University)
Introduction to Medical Anthropology, 227, (Department of Anthropology, McGill University)
Medicine, Health and Society (Faculty of Medicine, McGill University)