Network Directory

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Title University Affiliation Department / Program Specific Area of Research
Keating, Peter - History University of Quebec History history and sociology of the biomedical sciences, cancer
Keelan, Jennifer - University of Toronto OTHER Medical Testimony on compulsory Smallpox Vaccination in Public Hearings and Discourse; Public Health Policy; Information and Communication Technology in Health; Health Communication and Knowledge-Exchange using Social Media (Information & Communication Technologies); Social & Usage Analytics; Provider-Patient Communication Systems (Electronic Health Records and Health Social Networking); Public Deliberation (citizen engagement) using Social Media; Democracy and Science; Public Understanding of Science (civic epistemology); Health Advocacy Movements (Anti-vaccinationism); Health Policy & Law: No-fault compensation schemes and Patient Safety
Kemple, Thomas M. - Sociology University of British Columbia OTHER Contemporary social and cultural theory (including post-structuralist, semiotic, psychoanalytic, feminist, and queer theory); the history of the social sciences; sociological classics, canons, and founders; literary and interpretive methods; aesthetic sociology; visual representation of concepts and arguments
Kleiner, Israel - York University OTHER The history of mathematics, especially 19th and early 20th centuries, The interface between the history and pedagogy of mathematics
Kranakis, Eda - University of Ottawa History History of Technology; European history, 19th-20th century; European integration; history of aviation; export processing zones; intellectual property
Kroker, Kenton - York University Science and Technology Studies, York History of Sleep Research; 20th-century epidemics; emerging diseases
Lachapelle, Sophie - University of Guelph History Magic and wonder in 19th century French science; marginal sciences; science and religion; popular Science; science and entertainment; science and children; aquariums; modern France
Ladd-Taylor, Molly - York University History Eugenics and US maternal and child welfare policy; U.S. social & political history; women’s history; health & welfare
Laird, Walter Roy - Carleton University History History of science, especially mechanics (16th c.) and the science of motion; Plato, Aristotle, scholasticism, humanism, and Galileo; medieval and renaissance intellectual history; history of the university
Lampard, Robert - History Unaffiliated OTHER Alberta (& NWT) medical history, History of Rotary International