Network Directory

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Title University Affiliation Department / Program Specific Area of Research
Myers, Natasha - Anthropology York University OTHER Anthropology of science and technology; feminist science studies; anthropology of the senses; pedagogy and visualization; art and science; plants, ecologies, and more-than-human others
Nasim, Omar - History/ Philosophy Swiss Federal Institute of Technology OTHER History of analytic philosophy: phenomenalism, representation, construction, scientific philosophy, mathematical logic, and philosophical psychology; history of 19th century astronomy: imaging making and production, observation, nebular astronomy
Nelson, Nicole - Sociology McGill University OTHER Social studies of the contemporary life sciences, especially behavior genetics; model organisms and model systems; social studies of bioethics; science and law
Neswald, Elizabeth - History Brock University History Cultural history of thermodynamics, history of nutrition physiology and metabolism research, 1850-1920, popular science in 19c. Ireland
Newell, Dianne - University of British Columbia OTHER Industrial technology change/persistence; science fiction as critique; history of science (anthropology) on Canada's Pacific coast
Newhook, Susan - University of King's College Science journalism; the influences of the 1967 Fogo Island film project on culture and the entertainment industry in Newfoundland and Labrador
OBrien-Pallas, Linda - Nursing University of Toronto OTHER Human health resources, work environments, and the relation of both to the patient, provider and system outcomes, research done at macro and micro levels
Okruhlik, Kathleen - Philosophy University of Western Ontario Philosophy History and philosophy of science, seventeenth-century philosophy, Kant, philosophical issues in feminism, science and values, feminist analysis of science
Orenstein, David - History Danforth CTI OTHER Contents and nature of Canadian astronomy archival resources
Orsini, Michael - University of Ottawa OTHER Health policy,interest groups,gender and Public policy,autism politics and policy, contested illnesses, social movements, VIH/SIDA, qualitative research, interpretive policy analysis