University of Alberta

Node Manager(s)

Dr. Robert Smith

Ph.D., History & Philosophy of Science,
University of Cambridge (1979)

Part III of the Mathematics Tripos,
University of Cambridge (1975)

B.A., First Class Honors Degree in Physis,
Queen Mary College, University of London (1974)

(780) 492-3918

Research and Development

Post-doctoral Appointment
2009-11: Dr. Alex Choby was the Situating Science Postdoctoral appointment.
More information

Please see "Publications" for a list of her publications during her appointment.


2013-14: We welcome Catherine Clune-Taylor as our PhD student assistant for the Alberta Node.

Catherine Clune-Taylor is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Cressida Heyes. Catherine's research interests lie in the fields of philosophy of gender and sexuality, philosophy of science (particularly philosophy of biology), philosophy of medicine, social political philosophy and the work of Michel Foucault. Her currently untitled dissertation examines the 2006 revision in both clinical treatment model for and nosological reclassification of intersex conditions as disorders of sex development (DSDs), engaging in a Foucauldian analysis of scientific and political arguments offered in both the nomenclature and treatment model's favour.   Prior to enrolling in the doctoral program at the University of Alberta, Catherine completed an honors bachelor of medical science in immunology and microbiology, an honors bachelor of arts in philosophy and a master of arts in philosophy at the University of Western Ontario.



Upcoming Node Events

Node News and Events

"From Midwifery to Mustard Gas: A Feminist Historian's Research Journey"
Announcing the first lecture in the Gender and/or Feminist Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine lecture series:   "From Midwifery to Mustard Gas: A Feminist Historian's...
Reading Bruno Latour: A Seminar Series
The Science, Technology and Society Program presents Reading Bruno Latour Seminar Series, including:  Kathleen Lowrey – Department of Anthropology “Bruno Latour, Empathetic...
Public talk: “A ‘Computer’ from Ancient Greece: The Antikythera Mechanism” Uof A April 8 2010
Public talk: “A ‘Computer’ from Ancient Greece: The Antikythera Mechanism” Co-sponsors: American Institute of Archeology. University of Alberta Science, Technology and...
Health Legacies: Militarization, Health and Society Workshop. UofA Sept. 18-19, 2009
A one day workshop to examine the human and environmental health consequences of war.    Exploring the impact of militarization and demilitarization on the health and welfare of...
Putting Region in Its Place: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Health, Healing and Place 2007
Of the social phenomena said to distinguish the modern era from previous periods of history, the process known as globalization is often held as paradigmatic. Notoriously ill defined, the term...
Envisioning Science: Imaging the Body. Node Workshop at UofA Sept 10-11, 2010
A workshop investigating "how we see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and how we see this seeing or the unseen therein." KEYNOTE Friday Sept. 10, 7pm Lisa Cartwright,...