Atlantic Node

The Atlantic Node is run out of the University of King's College and Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS.

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The Atlantic Node distributes an events listing every second Saturday.  Items include local news and events, national and international events, and employment and funding opportunities.

Our "Friends"

The Atlantic Node has a very active network of friends and associates, representing most Atlantic universities and a wide variety of disciplines.  If you want to subscribe to our newsletter, send a note to Paul Armstrong <>.


Node Manager(s)

Dr. Ford Doolittle, Dr. Mélanie Frappier, Dr. Brian Noble, Dr. Gordon McOuat, Dr. Letitia Meynell


The Atlantic Node is managed by a team of academics from the University of King's College and Dalhousie University.


Research and Development

Node Post-Doctoral Fellow 2012-13

Cindy Stelmackowich (PhD Binghampton University, SUNY, in Art History and Theory, 2010)

Cindy’s work focuses on the relation between science, knowledge and representation. Her dissertation was an inter-disciplinary examination of 19th-century anatomical atlases. Current research focuses on the function of anatomical and pathological illustration in the emerging medical profession, medical teaching institutions, and book publishing industry. This study analyzes the visual rhetoric of anatomical imagery and how illustrations and new types of scientific publications were central to the construction of scientific knowledge. Cindy’s curatorial and science museum work also demonstrates an expertise in scientific instruments, anatomical collections and medical artifacts.

Node Students

PhD Student

Paul Armstrong, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University

Paul Armstrong is a doctoral student in sociology at Dalhousie, with research interests in the development of the social sciences.  Current work focuses on the interwar period and the theoretical and methodological debates which paved the way for the dominance of analytical and formal approaches in the postwar period.  His broader interests are focused on the relation between religion and civil society.  This has led to his involvement in a large-scale project about the Irish Catholic community in nineteenth century Halifax.  He has done work in economic development and policy analysis.

MA Student

Megan Dean, Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta

Megan has recently completed her Master's degree at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Her thesis elaborated a Foucauldian account of experience to think through the potentially transformative effects of feminist critiques of embodiment on experiences of bodies. Her academic interests include theories of embodiment, feminist theory, animal ethics, and the philosophy of science.


Past Work

HOPOS 2012

SituSci Atlantic hosted the 2012 meeting of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. 

Works in Progress (WIP)

The Atlantic Node invited our friends and colleagues to present their work to their peers for feedback and discussion.

Research on Research

The Atlantic Node has begun preliminary work into an investigation of scientific research and funding at universities.

Nova Scotia Institute of Science Science Writing and Video Competition

The Atlantic Node partnered with the NS Institute of Science to promote the 2011 Science Writing and Video competition. 

Sci Fi Movie and Panel Discussion Series

The Atlantic Node sponsored a sci fi film series on Tuesday evenings throughout October, 2010.

Science Without Data: The Role of Thought Experiments in Empirical Investigations

The Node hosted this two-day workshop, bringing together close to 20 philosophers, historians, anthropologists, and scientists for a discussion of their most recent work on thought experiments.





Upcoming Node Events

Node News and Events

Social Identities and the Question of 'Realism', Linda Martin Alcoff, Dec. 2, King's College
Lecture Series on Race: Linda Alcoff The University of King's College is pleased to present a talk by Linda Martin Alcoff entitled "Social Identities and the Question of '...
Nova Scotian Institute of Science's Student Science Writing and Video Competition in 2011
In 2011 the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (NSIS), in collaboration with the Situating Science Knowledge Cluster (Halifax), are sponsoring the NSIS 2011 Science Writing and Video Competition....
Joan Fujimura Race Lecture Series March 22, 2011
Watch the video here Halifax: DIFFERENT DIFFERENCES:  THE USE OF ANCESTRY VERSUS RACE IN BIOMEDICAL HUMAN GENETIC RESEARCH Dr. Joan Fujimura, Professor of Sociology, University of...
Race lecture Series: Science, Philosophy, and Race: The Shaping of the Race Concept in the Late Enlightenment
Video available HERE Podcast available HEREDr. Philip Sloan, University of Notre DameScience, Philosophy, and Race: The Shaping of the Race Concept in the Late EnlightenmentLecture for Conceptions of...
Science and the Media: Lost in Translation
The Science and its Publics Lecture Series launch was a great success with over 300 in attendance, great partnerships, discussion and live stream Qs too. See below or click on title for more...
Brain Awareness Week March 2010
Conceptions of Race in Philosophy, Literature and Art Lecture Series: Philip Sloan and JH Fujimura lectures
Situating Science is pleased to partner for Conceptions of Race in Philosophy, Literature and Art Lecture Series at the University of King's College, Halifax, NS. Winter 2011: Dr. Joan...
Sci Fi Movie and Panel Discussion Series
 SituSci's Atlantic Node is sponsoring a sci fi movie and panel discussion series, which will consist of a FREE movie screening and panel discussion every Tuesday evening throughout the month of...
Panel: “Just in Time: Healthy Research? The Implications of Pharmaceutical Industry Influence from the Laboratory to the Marketplace” Atlantic Node Panel February 15 2010
A Halifax panel of experts representing a diversity of views discussing the continued industry influence on Canadian health research. This event is sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in...
Current issues in Darwinian Theory Workshop. Dalhousie University Oct. 14-17, 2009
In celebration of the anniversary of the publication of Charles' Darwin's On the Origin of Species, this workshop included a set of three public evening lectures with over 400 in attendance...
The Individual in Science and Philosophy Annual ARPA Meeting. Keynote: Robert A. Wilson. Oct. 15-16
Situating Science is pleased to co-sponsor the Atlantic Region Philosophers Association's (ARPA) Annual Meeting 2010 The Individual in Science and Philosophy  October 15 - October...
Radio interview for Circulating Knowledge, East and West
East and West mingle at conferenceListen to a local radio (CKDU) interview with Situating Science Director Dr. McOuat.Monday, July 19th, 2010
Reassessing the Governance of Clinical Trials: Preventing Real World Risks at the Gate
Dalhousie University (Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit)Organizer: Janice Graham, TRRU, Dalhousie University; Mavis Jones, Dalhousie UniversityWorkshop information hereFinal report avail....
Circulating Knowledge, East and West
Thank you for a great workshop!  Themes Inspired by Dalhousie University’s online launch of their Dinwiddie Archives, this conference aimed to further international dialogue and scholarly...
Science Without Data: The Role of Thought Experiments in Empirical Investigations Workshop. Dalhousie University June 18-19
Note: This workshop also has strong connections with the theme Scientific Communication and its Publics Location: Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. This two-day workshop brought together...