Ontario Node

The Ontario Node is based at York University with ties to the University of Toronto.

See the York STS series here

HERE for past events at York ISTS.

Some Node news and events on this page relate to activities in Ottawa and other areas of Ontario.

Node Manager(s)

Dr. Bernie Lightman (York University)



Bernard Lightman, Professor of Humanities, York University, is the current Society Editor of the History of Science Society and editor of Isis, the leading history of science journal, and oversees the production of the annual bibliography and the annual journal Osiris. Lightman is also editor of a monograph series titled "Science and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain" (Pickering and Chatto) and was the general editor of the four volume Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists (Thoemmes Press, 2004). His publications include Origins of Agnosticism (Johns Hopkins, 1987), Victorian Faith in Crisis (Macmillan, 1990), Victorian Science in Context (University of Chicago Press, 1997), and Figuring it Out (co-edited with Ann Shteir, University Press of New England, 2006) Science in the Marketplace (co-edited with Aileen Fyfe, University of Chicago Press, 2007) Victorian Popularizers of Science (University of Chicago Press, 2007). Lightman has organized nine international conferences.

At York University he has been appointed to a number of administrative positions over the years, including Associate Dean of Arts, Acting Director of Academic Staff Relation, Coordinator of the interdisciplinary program Science and Society, and Director of the Graduate Program in Humanities. From 1997 to 1999 he was a regular contributor to the CBC Radio programme, Quirks and Quarks.

416.736.5164  Ext. 22028
» lightman@yorku.ca       

News: Dr. Lightman was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada


Research and Development

MA Students 2013-14:

Jovian Parry holds an MA in cultural studies from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He is currently a PhD student in York University's Science and Technology Studies program. His interests broadly include critical animal studies, social science fiction, gender studies, ecofeminism, and the history of science and technology. Specifically, he is interested in the ideological entanglements of gender, ‘Nature’, and nonhumans throughout the history of scientific thought. He is also interested in the impact of new technologies and new social movements upon modes of food production and consumption. jovian[@]yorku.ca

Lina Pinto is a student of the Science and Technology MA Program at York University. She holds a BSc in biology (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) and a MSc in biotechnology (Université de Strasbourg, France). She has worked in museum exhibit conceptualization in Germany and Colombia, and for the past two years was part of the research support team of a biomedical research institute in Colombia, mainly devoted to the study of neglected tropical diseases. Lina is interested in issues related to community participation in research and other mechanisms that encourage dialogues between scientists and communities to efficiently respond to their needs, particularly those associated with health. Other areas of interest include science communication, science popularization, and engagement and mobilization of communities in the political decision-making process for science related issues. lbpinto[@]york.ca; linapintog[@]gmail.com

Post-Doctoral Appointment

2010-12: Melinda Baldwin began her post-doctoral position at York University in the fall of 2010.
She is a graduate of Davidson College, where she earned her B.S. in 2004. She also holds an MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge. After finishing her PhD at Princeton University, she joined the SSHRC cluster at York in the fall of 2010. Her dissertation, "Nature and the Making of a Scientific Community, 1869-1939," investigates the early history of the journal Nature, focusing on the journal's nineteenth-century rise to prominence in Britain, its treatment of scientific controversies such as spiritualism and radioactivity, and its impact on scientific internationalism in the twentieth century. Her broader research interests include the history of scientific communication, gender and science, and the history of chemistry.
Please see "Publications" for a list of her work as part of her fellowship


Upcoming Node Events

Node News and Events

Reading Artifacts Summer Institute
The Situating Science Cluster is proud to contribute to student travel to the annual Reading Artifacts Summer Institute at the Canadian Science and Technology Museum. Blogs on the event now...
Paradox: The Art of the Scientific Naturalists
“Paradox: The Art of the Scientific Naturalists” 4:00-5:30 pm; May 6, 2011. The Delaney Gallery (320 Bethune College), York University Public Lecture by George Levine, ...
Access Denied: Medicine, Trust, and Experimental Treatments
Toronto: Science and its Publics National Lecture Series Presents Part 4: Access Denied: Medicine, Trust, and Experimental Treatments VIDEO AND STREAM (USE EXPLORER OR SAFARI ONLY) HERE Live...
Intersections: New Approaches to Science and Technology in 20th C. China and India
April 8-10, 2011 York UniversityKeynote Lecture: Cohort Spaces: Reflections on Creating Knowledge About India and China Victoria Marshall, Assistant Professor of Urban Design at Parsons the New...
Symbiogenesis in Gaia: Our Living Earth from Space
Lynn Margulis, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, will be presenting a lecture on 'Symbiogenesis and Gaia' at York University, January 31st 2011...
What is the Future of STS?
The Department of Science and Technology Studies and the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at York University will be hosting a panel discussion on the future of STS research in...
New STS/HPS blog, The Bubble Chamber (UofT)
The Bubble Chamber is a blog written by historians and philosophers of science for discussing contemporary issues of science and society through the lens of historical context and critical analysis....
The Future of Objectivity. University of Toronto Workshop, May 23-25, 2008
Matters of Life and Death. Toronto Node Workshop March 4, 2008.
Spontaneous Generations Journal: New Volume
Spontaneous Generations is a graduate student Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science Latest issue:Scientific Instruments: Knowledge, Practice, and Culture
Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture. Node Workshop May 6 – 7th, 2011 York University
Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture May 6 – 7th, 2011 York University, Toronto, Canada Ever since the 1970’s, when Robert Young and...
"Merchants of Doubt" An Interactive Presentation with Naomi Oreskes Thursday, September 30 12:30pm York University
Inaugural lecture for the new Institute for Science and Technology Studies, York University! See Poster for more.
Trust in Science Worskhop Oct. 15-16th, 2007
On October 15 and 16, 2007 in Toronto, leaders in broadcasting, journalism, and museology joined scientists and scholars from the social sciences and humanities engaged in the study of science and...
Earth Science, Global Science. Node Workshop at York University Sept. 30-Oct. 2
All sciences are faced with some version of the problem of moving from the local observation to the general explanation. Yet from their foundations, the earth sciences have been uniquely...
Critical Debates in Evidence Based Medicine: Where we've been and Where we're Going Workshop. Toronto, Nov 14-16, 2008
Where we've been and Where we're Going (An Interdisciplinary Workshop).University of Toronto Review by M. Cournoyea HERE