Major Publications:
Tabery, James (2012), "Science in the Courtroom", The Scientist, 6 November, 2012. Published, 11/06/2012. - opens new window
Tabery, James (2012), "Jobless Conspiracy: Judging a Conspiracy Theory", The Salt Lake Tribune, 14 October, 2012. Published, 10/14/2012. - opens new window
Aspinwall, Lisa G., Teneille R. Brown, and James Tabery (2012), "The Double-Edged Sword: Does Biomechanism Increase or Decrease Judges' Sentencing of Psychopaths?", Science 337(6096): 846-849. Published, 09/17/2012. - opens new window
Tabery, James (2012), "What Would Darwin Do?", The Salt Lake Tribune, 10 February, 2012. Published, 02/10/2012. - opens new window
Tabery, James (2011), “Hogben vs. the Tyranny of Averages”, International Journal of Epidemiology 40: 1454-1458. Published, 12/01/2011.
Tabery, James (2011), “Hogben, Lancelot”, in Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Published, 09/01/2011. - opens new window
The Struggle to Define the Interaction of Nature and Nurture. Under contract with MIT Press (Life & Mind Series). In progress, 09/01/2011.
Membership in Academic Societies:
American Philosophical Association
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
Behavior Genetics Association
History of Science Society
International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
Philosophy of Science Association
Courses Taught:
Bioethics, History of Science, Introduction to Logic