Cluster in the News

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We are shortlisted for a SSHRC Partnership Impact Award!

Thu., Sep. 11, 2014, 2:00pm

We are shortlisted for a SSHRC Partnership Impact Award!

Congratulations to the whole Cluster team across Canada for the highly prestigious nomination!

Results will be announced in Ottawa Nov. 3.

Read about it here.

And on the SSHRC site here.

Winter Newsletter is Now Available!

Wed., Dec. 17, 2014, 9:00am
The latest on jobs, plans for a consortium, and more.

The Winter newsletter (December 2014) is now out. The latest on jobs, plans for a consortium, and more.

Read it all here.

McOuat interview in CSHPS newsletter

Network Node: 
Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 12:00pm
Gordon McOuat was interviewed for the fall edition of the CSHPS newsletter

Dr. McOuat was interviewed for the fall edition of the CSHPS Communique newsletter. Read the interview below.

Doolittle on CBC Quirks and Quarks

Network Node: 
Sat., Feb. 8, 2014, 3:00pm
Ford Doolittle is interviewed by Quirks and Quarks for his win of the top science prize in Canada

Bob MacDonald from Quirks and Quarks interviews Ford Doolittle, Professor Emeritus in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Dalhousie University and recent winner of the NSERC Herzberg Gold Medal in Science and Engineering.

Listen here.

Watch: Celebrating Situating Science and CCSST

Thu., Oct. 30, 2014, 9:00am
Watch: Why are humanities and social studies of science and technology important? What are scholars in Canada doing? What next?

In its last year, Situating Science is celebrating its successes and launching its next steps for promoting the network of experts in social sciences and humanities of science and technology.

We interviewed Cluster managers, students and others involved to reflect on the impact of Situating Science work.

They answer: Why are STS and HPS important? What are scholars in Canada doing? What next?

Watch here.

New Cosmopolitanism and the Local in Science and Nature partnership!

Network Node: 
Thu., Sep. 18, 2014, 1:45pm is a new Partnership Development Grant between Canada, India and Southeast Asia

Cosmopolitanism and the Local in Science and Nature

Situating Science has helped launch a three year project that will establish a research network on “Cosmopolitanism” in science. It closely examines the actual types of negotiations that go into the making of science and its culture within an increasingly globalized landscape. This partnership is both about “cosmopolitanism and the local” and is, at the same time, cosmopolitan and local.