Other: Node Workshops, Panels, Salons, etc.

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Alirio Rosales: Scientific Theories as Narratives

Thu., Oct. 18, 2012, 5:00pm
UBC: STS series at UBC continues with Dr. Rosales, Department of Philsophy, UBC.

Thursday, Oct. 18, 5:00-6:30pm, Buchanan Tower Room 1197
ALIRIO ROSALES, Department of Philosophy, UBC

Arun Bala: Do Dialogical Histories of the Scientific Revolution Require Rethinking Scientific Method?

Network Node: 
Tue., Oct. 30, 2012, 12:30pm
York University: Dr. Arun Bala, National University of Singapore, speaks as part of his visit to the region as a Rotman Institute Visiting Professor.

Speaker: Arun Bala, National University of Singapore

Title: Do Dialogical Histories of the Scientific Revolution Require Rethinking
Scientific Method?

Tuesday October 30 2012, 12:30-2:00 P.M

Technoscience Salon: Re-Making Ecologies

Thu., Oct. 25, 2012, 4:00pm
Toronto: This fall's Technoscience Salon series pt. 2 on how ecologies are remade, literally, materially and metaphorically, through BioArt, community based science and environmental activism.

Please join us for the next Technoscience Salon - a joint event with the ArtSci Salon http://artscisalon.wordpress.com/

Evelyn Fox Keller: The Post-Genomic Genome

Network Node: 
Thu., Nov. 1, 2012, 3:30pm
Dalhousie University: Dr. Keller presents as part of the Department of biology seminar series.

Th. Nov. 1                
3:30-4:30pm: "The Post-Genomic Genome"
Dalhousie University Department of Biology seminar series.
5th Floor Lounge, Life Sciences Centre, Dalhousie University

Reengineering Philosophy for Limited Beings - a roundtable discussion of William Wimsatt's book led by Evelyn Fox Keller

Network Node: 
Fri., Oct. 26, 2012, 3:30pm
Dalhousie University: Dr. Keller discusses William Wimsatt's philosophical work with Dr. McOuat and Dr. Roberts as part of the Dal. Philosophy colloquium series

Friday Oct. 26th
"Reengineering Philosophy for Limited Beings - a roundtable discussion of William Wimsatt's book led by Evelyn Fox Keller"
Chair: Richmond Campbell, Department of Philosophy

Evelyn Fox Keller: Legislating for Catastrophic Risk

Fri., Oct. 26, 2012, 12:00pm
Dalhousie University: Dr. Keller presents as part of the Health Law Institute seminar series.

Fri. Oct 26            
12pm-1:30pm. "Legislating for Catastrophic Risk".
Hosted by the Dalhousie University Health Law Institute.
Room 104, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Ave.
More information on the event:
Open to the public.