Salon Theme :: Multiple imaginaries and practices gather under the term ECOLOGY. What counts as ecology, and for whom? What is the political, epistemological, ontological and aesthetic work that the concept of ecology can do? Read our provocation here
In Praise of Navel Gazing, Or an Argument for or against Bioethics Studies
Thursday, January 3, 5:00-6:30pm, Green College Coach House
TOD CHAMBERS, Northwestern University
The Cluster is pleased to welcome Dr. Evelyn Fox Keller out West as Visiting Scholar for 2012-13.
Dr. Evelyn Fox Keller, Professor Emerita of History and Philosophy of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Salon Theme :: Multiple imaginaries and practices gather under the term ECOLOGY. What counts as ecology, and for whom? What is the political, epistemological, ontological and aesthetic work that the concept of ecology can do?
“What Does Hand Washing Mean in the Twenty-First Century?”
Location: Buchanan Tower, Room 1197