Call for Papers/Abstracts

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GEOIDE Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals 

To Promote and Enhance Scientific Results
Workshops and Publications, GEOIDE Network
July 2010 - December 2011


Geography and STS: Funding Opportunty, GEOIDES events, Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada

Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada Conference March 4-6, 2011

The conference mixes the practical and the theoretical. Come share your experiences in using GIS in academia in Canada and around the world. Learn from other researchers and students of GIS on best practices and ways of accommodating different domains of knowledge.

Call for Abstracts: Canadian Science Policy Conference Montreal Oct 20-22


*The Canadian Science Policy Centre invites proposals for presentations at
the upcoming Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2010) in Montreal, QC,
from October 20-22, 2010.*

More information

Call for Papers: The Changing Dynamics of Scientific Collaborations at HICSS (January 4th 2011)

CFP: Workshop on The Changing Dynamics of Scientific Collaborations at HICSS (January 4th 2011)

International Science & Technology Conference Call For Papers

27-29 October 2010 Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel North Cyprus CALL FOR PAPERS


The main goal of this conference is to present and discuss new trends in applied sciences and social sciences.