Data's Affects and Effects

Network Node: 
Fri., Jan. 9, 2015, 4:00pm

Data's Affects and Effects

Salon Theme: This Salon extends the theme of “Activating Evidence” to think through data’s effects as well as its affects. It considers practices and infrastructures of data collection, curation, storage, and retrieval to think through the ways that data is mediated and made meaningful. In addition to asking how data arrangements shape the terrain of what is known and not known, the aim of this Salon is to examine the multiple ways data is charged with affect. We are concerned with the affectivity of truth-telling through data. At stake here is the question of the ways that affects condition data and contour evidentiary regimes. Read more about our provocation here.

Rebecca Lemov (History of Science, HarvardU)
Patrick Keilty (UToronto)

Hannah Turner (iSchool, UToronto)
Jeffery Wajsberg (STS, YorkU)
Carla Hustak (Technoscience Research Unit, UToronto)

WHEN: Friday, January 9, 2015, 4-6pm    

WHERE: Studio 106, at Artscape Youngplace, at 180 Shaw Street

WHAT: Please bring snacks, beverages and tasty ideas to share


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