Owen Flanagan: The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized

Noeud de réseau: 
Je., Avr. 26, 2012, 7:00pm - , 9:00pm

Podcast available HERE

The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized
Owen Flanagan Jr
James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy 
Professor of Neurobiology
Visit Dr. Flanagan's Home page

Alumni Hall, King's College Academic Bldg., 6350 Coburg Road
April 26th 2012 at 7:00pm

'Join' the Facebook event HERE

Buddhism claims to be science friendly and, among the classical wisdom traditions, most likely to produce true and lasting happiness. Is this true? Can Buddhism be (re)conceptualized in a way that is congenial to philosophical naturalism and that provides a plausible solution to finding meaning in a material world?

Novel Tech Ethics and Situating Science are pleased to host a public talk and question period by the world renowned philosopher.
