Technoscience Salon: Endangerments and Apocalypse

Noeud de réseau: 
Me., Nov. 28, 2012, 9:30am

Salon Theme :: Multiple imaginaries and practices gather under the term ECOLOGY. What counts as ecology, and for whom?  What is the political, epistemological, ontological and aesthetic work that the concept of ecology can do? Read our provocation here                                 

Presenters ::     Tim Choy (UC Davis)
                          Sarah Trimble (University of Toronto)
Discussants ::    Lisa Cockburn (York University) & Kelly Ladd (York University)
When  ::             FRIDAY, November 30, 2012, 4-6pm    
 Where ::           Sidney Smith 2098, 100 St. George St., University of Toronto
What:  ::             Potluck. Please bring food and drink to share

Launched in 2008, the Technoscience Salon is an open forum for entangling intellectual and political questions about technoscience while remixing the disciplines composing Science and Technology Studies. Meeting monthly, the Salon aims to create a lively community of thinkers with interests in technoscience studies from around the GTA and beyond.

Drawing participants from multiple universities as well as artistic and technical communities, the Salon aspires to prompt playful and experimental engagements, as well as new collaborations and conversations.

The Salon is currently in its fifth season. The 2012-13 Salon is organized by Michelle Murphy (UofT), Natasha Myers (York), and Astrid Schrader (York).

We are funded by the Toronto Node of the SSHRC Situating Science Research Cluster Grant