Situating Science: Cluster in the Humanist and Social Studies of Science
Situating Science is a SSHRC-funded Strategic Knowledge Cluster, mandated to build networks among scholars, Canadian and international, in the various disciplines engaged in the humanistic and social study of science and technology, and to engage the work of these scholars with the wider Canadian public.
Situating Science is soliciting workshop proposals for the timeframe of: Jan. 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. Up to two Canadian workshops will be funded (up to $10,000 each). Workshop topics should fall under one of the four themes of the Cluster:
Science and its Publics
Historical Epistemology and Ontology (including philosophy of science)
Material Culture and Scientific/Technological Practices
Geography and Sites of Knowing
Detailed information on the themes can be found at The themes are intended to be broad and flexible. If in doubt as to whether your proposed topic fits within one of the themes, contact your local SituSci organisers or the SituSci central office (contact info below).
In accordance with SituSci’s mandate, organisers are encouraged to seek inter-disciplinary participation (from within and/or outside the academy), and, where feasible, include a public component to their event. We also entertain proposals that include plans for an associated pedagogical component (e.g., 2-3 day “school”)
The Cluster will provide financial and organisational support, with the expectation that organisers will leverage additional funding from partnering institutions.
The Proposal should be no more than three pages, including:
Workshop title
Cluster theme under which workshop falls
Short description of workshop
Possible participants
Preliminary budget
Potential sources of outside funding
Possible inter-disciplinary partnerships (e.g., museums, journalists, etc.)
Preliminary plans for involvement of students
Possible date
Proposals and queries are to be sent to the local SituSci organiser:
West Coast: Alan Richardson, UBC:
Alberta: Robert Smith, U. Alberta:
Saskatchewan: Larry Stewart, U. Saskatchewan:
Ontario: Bernie Lightman, York U.:
Quebec: Yves Gingras, UQAM:
Nicholas Dew, McGill
Atlantic: Melanie Frappier University of King’s College,
Letitia Meynell, Dalhousie University
Or to the SituSci central office at:
902 422-1271 x 200
The deadline for submissions is 5 pm ADT, Monday, October 3, 2011